Experience the best Tuscany has to offer!

Ciao, I Am Claudia Bartolozzi. I have lived in Tuscany all my life and I’m grateful to share the best of this magical part of the world with you.

From picturesque rolling hills to historical towns, unbelievable food, wine, and people… with adventures you’ll cherish forever. Whether you’ve been to Tuscany before or this is your first visit I promise to make the experience unique, fun, and easy.

I will let you enjoy the best Tuscany has to offer!

“Once you traveled, the voyage never ends but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.”

Pat Conroy

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

“The Creator made Italy by designs from Michelangelo.”

Laura Palmer

Meet your Guide

My name is Claudia Bartolozzi. I am an official tour guide of Florence and its province.

The passion for the beauty of my country has meant that after a degree in Tourism Economics and many years as a Tour Leader and Tour Director I embarked on a course of study in Art, History and General Culture professionalizing and I obtained the Official Tourist Guide License. It was the best decision of my life and the thing I love most is to introduce my guests to my world, to the world of Florence and its riches.

I organize tours that become a real experience, from the Walking Tour to the Guided tour of a Museum, from the visit of a Charming Villa to a Wine Tasting, from Urban Trekking to City Running Tour my goal is to welcome tourists, accompany them and guide them in the most personalized, professional and why not fun Experience.

My goal is to create moments and memories tailored to your needs, to your interests with enthusiasm and curiosity. There is no a “right” solution to travel or to visit a country but exists Your solution. Your tour, your experience, your needs, your moments, your memories. Let me try to find Yours!

“Your destination is never a place, but a new way of looking at things” – Henry Miller


In my years of creating tours for couples, groups, and families, I have made many wonderful connections and partnered with people who want to share their favourite parts of Tuscany, too. Below are a few of the great experiences I can put together for you:

  • Photo tours
  • Private cooking lessons
  • Vineyards tours and wine tastings
  • Bike tours through Tuscany
  • Visits to local markets
  • Dinners with locals
  • Wedding celebrations
  • Skipping  the lines with guided museum tours